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The Role of Gamification in Modern Casinos

Gamification is the development of casino gaming beyond the very simple model characterised by a player making a gamble and receiving a reinforcing incentive back from the gaming universe to incorporate motivational techniques familiar in video games and associated with fun and engaging experiences that draw players to play for extended periods of time.

Gamification not only makes general online gambling more engaging by increasing retention, loyalty and participation via level progression, badges, points and competitions, but it also draws on social elements to add virality.

Increased Engagement

Gamification is the trend of injecting gaming elements such as points, leaderboards, badges and missions into non-gaming experiences to enhance participant engagement with and adherence to metrics. For example, using gamification techniques within an organisation’s loyalty programme, such as the portfolio of American Express(r) Cardmember Loyalty Program(r) (AALP(r)).

Not only do these rewards foster community mood and a sense of accomplishment for participants, they also help build customer loyalty. The most successful retail businesses facilitate a strong bond between brand and consumer, and fostering participation in micro-schmeaning ways like the above is one of the most effective routes.

Gamification has quickly emerged as a buzzword in the business environment and an effective approach to get through to customers and employees alike. Gamification will succeed because it takes into account what inspires participation and engagement for each person, and tailors an experience to an individual’s natural drives to maximise its potential. Naturally, businesses will need to understand what drives engagement for each person and tailor their experience accordingly, but that will pay off. If people respond favourably to interventions that are built to fit what drives them as individuals, then we will be able to maximise those interventions to ultimately improve engagement, customer loyalty, and make easier to measure success through customer acquisition, retention, engagement metrics and business outcomes.

Increased Loyalty

Gamification channels natural human instincts to compete and win, ‘gamifying’ an experience by rewarding players with badges or perhaps moving on to a new level to spur activity in a part of the brain that releases dopamine – and having them come back again and again. In a shift from generous welcome bonuses, casinos are now cradling customers for life through loyalty programmes that reward regular play.

These programmes usually provide players with points that can be traded for bonus items, free spins or actual cash. Most usually also have a levelling-up structure, which incentivises players to keep playing to unlock exclusive rewards that become available at higher levels.

The personalisation of these gamification elements of a casino, and the rewards and bonuses associated with them, is facilitated by AI orchestration, which creates the opportunity to adjust them to the exact requirements of each individual player in real time. As a result, they can drive engagement, retention rates, lowered cost per active player acquisition rates, increased revenue and profitability and social activity through leaderboards or multiplayer games, etc.

Increased Revenue

Gamification works to keep customers fully involved in your site rather than another one and builds in rewards that encourage them to stick around beyond welcome bonuses and bonus offers in the form of points, badges and achievements to stimulate brain reward centres.

These elements might all lead to increased excitement, achievement and competition that might persuade players to stay on the platform longer and play even more games, but could also engage viewers’ curiosity in ‘What will happen next?’.

By adding a dose of gamification, casinos can boost their revenue since player engagement is a strong predictor of wager amounts (also relevant with online casino gaming on the rise!) – without running the risk of creating a predatory culture. This is why it’s important for casinos to strike the right balance between gamification and responsible gaming when it comes to their player base, especially now that online casino growth is on the rise for this very reason.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

The technique of gamification is useful in improving productivity, maintaining customer loyalty and in gaining competitive advantages. Gamification is the process of creating fun experience for an employee or customers.

For example, such gaming features as leaderboards, rewards and tasks might be used to incentivise salespeople to attain better outcomes in their work, which in turn could lead to enhanced performance as well as decreased turnover rates among the sales force.

Through gamification, you motivate the participants to keep up the game by rewarding them with a verbal or physical treat each time the tasks are successfully completed; they feel more involved in the process and more bonded to your brand than ever before, which has a really positive effect on your bottom line with people buying from you again and again and referring business to you. Secondly, gamification also enables you to personalise an experience according to the consumer’s demographic or social persona, which increases the likelihood of it being successful; its goal is to replicate reality in order to get the perfect behaviour from its participants.

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